I became a Personal Family Lawyer to help people like you and families like yours plan for the future. Facing the potential for incapacity and death can be daunting and nerve-wracking, and I know from experience that planning for the unthinkable is the best way to secure your family and bring you peace-of-mind. I support people and families of all types who want to plan for the unknowable future so that they can truly savor the present.
I began my legal career working for a safety-focused agency in the federal government. After a few years, I moved into private practice at a well-established DC law firm, where I used my expertise to help companies create and defend their safety programs. While I believed wholeheartedly in advancing safety, this career path soon exposed the disconnect between the work I was doing and the impact I wanted to have on people’s lives. I loved the pro-bono work I did with and for real people and wanted to find a way to connect with my clients on a personal level, rather than a corporate one. I founded Juniper Law so I could do just that.
Now, I enjoy learning about my clients and empowering them to make the best possible decisions for themselves and their loved ones. I am proficient in Spanish and I travel to Latin America whenever I can, tasting as many types of salsa and hot sauce as possible.
Bryn is a proud native of northern Virginia, where she had the privilege of being in the very first Spanish-English immersion class in Arlington public schools. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Brown University and her law degree from the University of Virginia. Bryn is licensed to practice law in Virginia, the District of Columbia, and oddly enough, Massachusetts. She lives in Fairfax with her furry family (whose care are all covered under her estate plan). She loves to spend time with her human friends and family too.