Matthew Perry’s Estate Plan Demonstrates the Benefits of Trusts
When Matthew Perry, the beloved star of Friends, passed away last year, the world mourned the loss of a comedic icon. However, as details of his estate began to emerge, a curious puzzle presented itself: why did he seem to have less money than you’d expect?
Would $23,000 Make a Difference to You?
Imagine discovering thousands of dollars that belong to you, only to be told you can’t have it. It’s called “unclaimed property,” money that’s yours but has been handed over to the government without your knowledge. And it happens more often than you may think.
What Probate Is and How To Avoid It — Part 2
Unless you’ve created an estate plan that works to keep your family out of court, when you die (or become incapacitated) many of your assets must go through probate before […]
A Gift of Peace and Power for Every Parent
Parents spend their days and nights thinking about how to make sure their children are happy, healthy, and safe. If you’re a parent, you know. Every parent deserves the peace […]
Why Estate Planning Is the Best Use of Your Tax Refund
So you got a tax refund this year. Hooray! While you may be tempted to spend it on a vacation, or put it away for a rainy day, there’s an even better way to put that refund to work for you: estate planning. Here’s why.
Updating Your Estate Plan For Divorce: 5 Changes To Make
Even if the process is amicable, divorce can be one of life’s most stressful events. With so many major changes taking place, it’s easy to forget to update your estate […]
4 Essential Strategies For Protecting Your Family’s Assets
You might think that only the super wealthy need to worry about asset protection planning. The truth is, those without millions may be at even greater risk. For instance, if […]
3 Best Practices For Setting Up Your Life Insurance Policy
A comprehensive Life & Legacy Plan is about creating a strategy that lets you enjoy your life to the fullest while protecting your loved ones’ future when you can no […]